Sunday, April 18, 2010

Mixed Media Monday! Look what I found!

1 1/2"x 1 1/2" soldered glass pendant!!!!
See the lumpy part on top? This was my first soldered piece 3 years ago and the lumpy part is supposed to be where I soldered the link so I could have a pendant. It didn't work too well but I kept it any way!
I liked this magazine garden picture and decided to make it the background. Then It reminded me of Monet's pink garden house so I made the house pink. The image made me think it could be one of Monet's family looking out the window.
A bit of a stretch for the theme, but I really did just find this in a box in my studio!


  1. you were so right to keep it - it found its destination now:) nice to read your post!

  2. Such a darling image Peggy! Soldering is trickier than you think, isn't it? *grins*

    BTW - I received my goodies and have emailed you - thank you so much! xo

  3. Very pretty! I've never tried soldering - it would probably be much lumpier than yours, Peggy! I'll stick to stamping and collage.

  4. A whimsical beauty Peggy - the background fits perfectly.

  5. Beautiful colors and I love the combination of pendant and photo - so cool, Kristin xo

  6. Oh Peggy, Your found object is so beautiful and looks great with the photo...what a splendid idea!
    So very sweet!
    Cindy Adkins

  7. It's lovely... Love what you did with the background!

  8. Hi Peggy, This made me smile because I have a couple of pendants just like this - they have loops on, but only just :) Great entry! ~Sharon

  9. What a fun and fanciful piece, Peggy! Diane


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