Monday, May 10, 2010

Crazy Amigo's! numbers!

Yes, I actually used to do these in the 50's!!!!
Does anyone else remember?
Picture from
Paint by Number
ISBN 1-56898-282-8


  1. You've chose surely onr of themost classic pictures there, huh - I 'recognise' it, and here I am in the UK and baby from a different decade. Iconic perhaps - certainly worth the memory! Great psot and link!

  2. How brilliant is that! Well done, Peggy!

  3. Unfortunately, I do remember them. I can't believe you still have them!

  4. Yes, I remember the paint by numbers kits when I was a child of the 50's. I also remember doing something in the 70's that involved
    marking pens and posters. I think I played with everything that had to do with art just to be in touch with it.

    Your blog is fantastic.

    Mary Wilkins

  5. Very lovely and interesting, Peggy. Terrific!


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