Saturday, May 29, 2010

Happy Memorial Day!


  1. Hey Peggy...Thanks for stopping by today and commenting on my crazy Pink Saturday post.

    It's been awhile since I visited and I'm really glad I stopped by today to see your flag photo. It's absolutely breath taking against the blue sky.

    My Memorial Day Post got bumped down one for Pink Saturday, but I did it on the Pictures you saw and commented on in my Header. I hope you'll stop back by and see that post as it's an amazing work of art honoring the Heroes of World WarII.

    Have a safe and peaceful Memorial Day and thanks again for the visit.

  2. Happy Memorial Day to you, too.

    Do you have a family cook-out with hot dogs and hamburgers and grilled corn and all that kind of stuff?

    We don't. I'm deprived.

  3. Happy Memorial Day weekend, PEggy!


Thank you for visiting!