Saturday, June 12, 2010

A different Challenge! Cats/3"x5"

Illustration from the book
Papa Gatto


  1. Peggy this is special. Love it.

  2. Hi Peggy, I love this cavalier cat. Doesn't he have a privileged look? I always think of cats when I see your name (you know: gato=cat in spanish).

  3. lol what an elegant chap!

    Great take on this weeks theme - thank you for joining us at SCD.

  4. Great post, thank you for sharing! Happy Pink Saturday! Esther XX

  5. Gorgeous chappie. Thanks for playing along with us this week. Gez.xx

  6. Fantastic cat. I wouldn't want to mess with him. Great idea that works real well! Thanks for playing at SCD this week.

  7. Sorry if you just got a ggg message. I was only testing. I often go through messages in bed on my old laptop, however if I come across a code that needs to be typed in after the message I cannot send it. The computer just shuts down when I try to put the code in. So then I have to try and remember who I was unsuccessful with and come back and re do on the downstairs computer. very boring.


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