Thursday, August 26, 2010

Play Date Cafe and Theme Thursday!

I think I am still under the influence of the ZZ Top concert last night!
Shades of the 70's!!!

I made my vintage man into a "Sharp Dressed Man"


  1. Oh gosh, Peggy, he's too wonderful for words!

  2. Aaarrgghh! My eyes! ;)

    Not sure about ZZ Top, I'd say there's more of a Hendrix thing going on. Love it :D

  3. That is so cool! I am so impressed by your digital skills - I could no more do that than fly to the moon . . . Thank you for your visit today, I hope you have fun at your ZZ Top concert! Kristin xo

  4. A fun work, Peggy. I used to listen to ZZ top. I didn't know they were still around. I bet the concert was loads of fun.

  5. HAHA! Love his afro and the psychedelic colors. I like ZZ Top, too. Are your ears ringing today?

  6. Very cool, Peggy! Love how you've transformed him into a 70s guy.. SO FUN! Thanks for playing with the Play Date Cafe!!

  7. Hope you had a good time at the concert! Great piece of altered art! Thanks for playing along with us at the PDCC this week!

  8. what a great altered photo! love that hair!

  9. Lovely vibe and great take on the colors! Well dressed man indeed! Thanks for playing along with us at the PDCC.

  10. Totally mind blowing! Thank you so much for sharing this. Just wonderful.

  11. Wow! That's certainly Hot Pink!

  12. Fabulous transition, Peggy...beautifully done.

  13. Fun transformation. Thanks for playing at the PDCC.

  14. Hee Heee Hee! What a FUN guy! I love his makeover to the sharp-dressed 70's man! What a fantastic way to embrace these crazy colors! I'm THRILLED that you shared him with the PDCC! Yee Haw!

  15. LOVE your vintage sharp dressed man! I live in Houston and have seen ZZ Top. They put on a Great concert! We went to see Bllly Idol Wednesday night! I MISS the music from the gool ole days! Anyways, your project ROCKS!

  16. lol, you're so right, the pink and mustard are true seventies colours! Glad you had a fun time playing with them

  17. How fun and what a great little story to go with it...ZZ Top indeed!

  18. Love that you have shared the original pic with us---what a fun image! I love that pink background:) Thanks for joining in the fun and playing along with us at the PDCC:)


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