Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Being a new dog owner, I spotted this flyer at the pet store! Today I am going to take some pictures of Simon to send in for the dog photo calendar!!!!
I bought a new polaroid camera with built in printer. One of the artists had one at the last workshop and it is slick! Perfect for small pictures for a journal or altered book!


  1. Hope you get your dog's photo published in the calender. Happy WOYWW day!

  2. Congratulations on getting a dog...but the dog will own you (based on my experience!) That's awesome! And a camera with a dog, Peggy! Expect we'll see lots of great pics from here on out! Hugs, LynnF

  3. Hi Peggy
    hope the doggie makes the calender, thanks for the snoop, have a great WOYWW, sue,x

  4. I hope you show us some of the pics you take with your new camera - it sounds very useful.

  5. That sounds like a very neat camera. Take a picture of your new dog :) Hope you are having a great day.

  6. Good luck with the Dog calender and please show us the pics you take with your new wizzy camera!


  7. OH WOW!!! Just found one of your Blogs- thanks to your comment on marthaandjane!
    We have three dogs and they need walks now... so I'll come back later today with my cup of tea to linger and look more. I LOVE EVERYTHING I SEE!!!!
    OOuuhhh- love your Nest Painting!

  8. please post one of your doggie next week please?


  9. I have heard of one of those poleroids. Sounds like too much fun. Will look forward to a photo of your dog.

  10. good luck with photos.
    Luv Joanne xx

  11. that camera sounds fab Peggy; and I love the tea tray in this piccie :)

  12. I had two dogs for the week, both of my daughters decided to go on holiday at the same time. The eldest one had a Rottweilla and the youngest had a pomeranian, well tonight they both went home - peace loved them but the hairs. Love your silver platter and all your fine art things. Enjoy your doggie, hugs

  13. Good grief - a perfect camera!! Jow fun, hope the pooch is published!

  14. Exciting, hope they pick your pup for the calendar.

  15. Wow, that new camera sounds slick. Had to laugh because I enlarged the photo to see the design on your mug (thought it was a Taylor and Ng at first), then spotted your reflection in the silver lid.

    You know I would never miss visiting you on WOYWW, but my computer contracted a virus on Wednesday. It's still not fixed, but I had to make sure I wasn't infecting anyone before I resumed my visits. BTW, I hope your doggie wins a coveted calendar spot. Happy belated WOYWW.


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