Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I am hostessing a swap for a halloween tags (6 for 6).
I put the envelopes on the floor to take downstairs to sort for mailing. I went into the studio to gather a few items to put in the packages to be sent. It was awfully quiet. It was too quiet!
I think I will go see what is .......
Simon, SI- mon, si- MON !
What are you doing?
Simon says ......
Fortunately none of the tags were damaged!
Next time my projects will remain on a desk!


  1. How cute is your pup?!? I love it.

    Very lucky, indeed, that none of the swaps were damaged.

    Thanks for sharing the cute pics.

  2. TOO cute. I was ready to go to sleep, but clicked on your post to see what was going on and why you were posting so early this week, when I saw that darling little Simon and laughed my head off. Still laughing.

  3. Aah! Bet you couldn't really tell him off with those cute puppy eyes looking at you!!!

  4. Oh dear!! lol
    Glad none of the tags were damaged PHEW for Simon! hehee

    He is such a little sweetie, how can you possibly be cross

    My first time of joining, cant wait for next week!

    mandi xx

  5. That was lucky! Cute pup, what a minx!

  6. OMG looks like my house every morning when the postman comes :) don't be cross with him, he's too cute

  7. Oh Simon!!! Have to admit you have made me smile though.
    A x

  8. What a puppy! ...but he knows what to leave alone!!! :D

  9. Lol! Funny how crafty stuff is so attractive to children and pets alike!
    Helen (32)

  10. Lucky nothing got damaged - just lucky you reaslised silence is often a bad sign. Cute dog.
    x Tricia (65)

  11. oh how cute - ooooops glad they all survived lv Liz (68)

  12. lol, Never work with kids or animals. Simon is very cute, I am sure you can't be mad with him for very long :)

  13. Aw bless, Simon is so adorable! I'm so glad none of your tags were damaged though :S
    Jules (#72)

  14. Oh bless him - good job they weren't ruined - I can imagine you saying "sorry but the dog ate your homework" if he had have done! Thanks for sharing - Sunshine Girl (28)

  15. oh he is just so sweet his little face,he he my dog will rip up my letters too if i leave the doors open great post hun love cheyrl xxxxxxxxx

  16. Brilliant! Perhaps Simon had his creative paws ready to go? Glad there was no damage. Bernie (87) P.S. Loving your newspaper-dressed ladies in the header.

  17. How cute is that rascal... reminds me of my late loved little monster that used to macerate all the mail if we didn't get there first.
    It's morel like what's NOT on your desk this week!
    JoZarty x(33)

  18. Bless ... he looks like butter would n't melt :0) Very funny though ... for us I might add ... not so much fun for you :0)

  19. Phew! lucky the tags were okay. That was a close call. I just love the look on his face like.. I know.. it was like this when I came in!!

  20. ROFL - oh.... my..... As you say, thankfully none of the swaps were damaged, but I know that feeling!

  21. I could not stop laughing!!!! You have no problems...just lay the mail on the floor and your assistant will do all the work for you!!!! My neighbor has an identical twin to your dog and he is exactly the same....except he chews up her SHOES toooooooo.

  22. Well - at least your doggy know good artwork and decided to be nice...what a rascal and so innocent in the snap!
    sasa 18

  23. MY cute dash Acorn did the same thing to me a while ago... ate two of the matchboxes for the 25 days of christmas swap..... why he ate them I don't know maybe glue tastes nice or he was fed up with me spending time of those damn boxes instead of taking him for a walk... you have to laugh or you'd cry I think Simons telling you something.... "walk time"

    hugs Wendy,Willow and Acorn

  24. How funny, and how cute! So glad nothing was damaged!

    Sherry (117)

  25. Oh no! I would have been upset if that was me but happy that none of the tags were damaged. TFS. ~Glen~

  26. I love the look on his face. Do you think he's saying "am I in trouble? Did I do something bad?"

    Lin (77)

  27. Bless!!!!

    at least my doggies only eat their own beds...

    Dx ( 63)

  28. Lol oh bless I have a little pup too who gets up to mischief just like your little fella. But it did make me smile sorry. Have a good day, Tracy Evans x

  29. He is just a love you cant be mad with him.

    Cathx 95

  30. I don't think I could have shouted him even if he had damaged them, he is so adorable.

    A.x (22)

  31. Simon has clearly been talking to Russ (10 months old and willing to chew anything).

    I literally can't leave him alone either without untold damage.

    Then they just have the cheek to look cute!

    Kay (no. 12)

  32. Simon is too too cute! Impossible to shout at them when they are that adorable. Glad that the projects didn't get damaged tho! Happy WOYWW, Elliefantasy xxx (129)

  33. ~Oh hun - that has made me LOL... I know I shouldn't but he is just sooooo cute!!! I am sure he just wanted to help his Mummy with the packing up :O))

  34. Such a cutie, and how can you get mad with such a lovely little cutie! The postman does more damage to my atc swaps that your Simon did! HAVE A GREAT WOYWW

  35. He is really just a lot cute isn't he! My cats know exactly when I have something on my desk that they can jump on with muddy feet and ruin as well! thanks for sharing! K x '107

  36. What a rascal - glad your art work was safe.

  37. such a charmer you have to forgive him... how funny, though.
    sue xx 88

  38. CUTE puppy....that could ahve been very bad....sounds like you named him right...I can hear Dave calling Siaaaaa-MON!

  39. Oh, dear! I've had my pups 'unfortunately attracted' to stuff in my stuio as well! But just look at that face! You can't stay mad long! I'm glad nothing was damaged!

  40. are you sure it was simon, he looks so innocent.

  41. cute pup I'm sure he thought he was only helping

  42. oh my! you must have been so relieved that the tags were ok. and look at that face, so innocent and cute!

  43. Aww, poor little chap, he even looks like he's hanging his head in shame! But I bet you can't stay mad at him for long!

    Brenda 105

  44. Oh Sheila - I'm sorry to say that I'm still smiling! Bet you struggled to tell him off too! Glad no harm done, but how funny that he knows EXACTLY how to get your attention!!

  45. Oh do you cry or do you laugh, he just looks so innocent sitting there with his prize. At least the tags are OK and Simon had a good time.
    Have a great week and thanks for sharing
    Alicia.R. (#102)

  46. Aw! little treasure. How could you be mad at that. What a darling - sometimes eh?
    Luv Joanne xx

  47. oh bless!!! He obviously wanted in on the action!

    WOYWW #78


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