Wednesday, November 3, 2010


These items are on my desk awaiting the drawing of the winner for my celebration giveaway!
decoupaged 4"x6" box
Something special will be inside that any artist can use!

Anna Griffin tote with goodies

Drawing November 5th
to enter go to


  1. Love your banner...I can just imagine what precipitated that photo shoot...a shower, perhaps? I'll follow seeing other artists work! (Came here by way of WOYWW, although, I like you, don't live in the UK!)

  2. Thanks Peggy. congratulations my friend. I just commented and added to my side bar. I just wanted to also say thank you for your lovely words about my grandchildrens halloween picture. and yep please do adopt Hayden and Casey lol I have 5 more so i could keep you going with adoptees for quite a while lol.
    Hugs June x

  3. Beautiful box
    Thanks for popping to see me

    mandi xx

  4. ohh lovely box!! and love that banner photo too!

  5. lovely box. happy woyww. caroline #16

  6. hi Peggy - love the box, really colourful. You are never giving away your Anna Griffin tote with craft items are you ... i have this and its to die for - it would definately be my desert island possession, i'm in love with mine.

    Hope you are well.

    Paula x x x

  7. I wish I had gotten here sooner. I love that box. Your winners are very lucky. And you are more than generous. What a great "WOYWW" this week. And although I was number 1 this week, I feel like I'm number "last."

  8. An interesting and unusual "desk" this week, eh? Fab.....

  9. That box is fab! Someone is a lucky lucky winner!
    Happy WOYWW!

  10. What a gorgeous box you have made. I certainly wouldn't know where to start with something like this. Thanks for sharing your workspace. Best wishes, Kym xxx (WOYWW No 36)


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