Saturday, December 11, 2010

10th and 11th day!


  1. I have a giveaway on my blog - a gift card from CSN Stores. Please come over and enter!

  2. Ohhh these are just super cute Peggy. I love them.
    I would like to use your work for the dezinaworld everyone wins challenge to display on my website so just popped by to ask your permission. Could you let me know if that is ok please ? Also just checking with everyone that they got their prizes ? again, please let me know if you did or not and if not i will send you the link
    hugs June

  3. you made these????

    they're adorable. they don't look like the Peg work I'm used to seeing.

    have you gone soft and cuddly and fuzzy on me during my autumnal blogging hiatus?!


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