Thursday, December 16, 2010

Almost done!!!

Wreath I made of "leftover" ornaments that didn't fit on the tree!
(Be sure and click to enlarge!)


  1. now why didn't I think of something like that!!!!
    such a great wreath...and a fabulous way to enjoy the ornaments that don't fit on the tree!!! maybe i should do this with the ones that the grandkids could break,that i haven't put up for fear little hands and inquiring minds might find irresistable!!!!! love the photo granddaughter just brought one home for us today with her kindergarten picture in it..what a treasure!!!
    Christmas Blesssings!

  2. What a wildly original idea, Peggy. I usually just leave them in boxes, but I may consider this for next year. It makes a gorgeous wreath.


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