Sunday, December 12, 2010

Take a word! childhood

I adore ANYTHING created by Norman Rockwell! I used to look forward to each issue of "The Saturday Evening Post" to see what he had painted! I loved making up stories about his cover art.
I did nothing to this, just thought it fit nicely with childhood! I remember the christmas I noticed that Santa's signature on the letters I would leave for him(along with the cookies), looked suspiciously like my FATHER'S hand writing!!!!!!!!!!!
Wishing you all the innocence and joy of childhood!!!


  1. You are right Peggy...Norman Rocks...been a fan forever!!

  2. Wonderful piece, Peggy, I loved the covers, too!

  3. I have a few books from Norman Rockwell. His art is truly amazing. Lovely picture.

  4. a very pertinent choice Peggy!! Love it.

  5. what a sweet painting ... my story of the discovery of the Santa secret came at the age of FOUR. Can you believe it????? I missed out on so many years of believing!

    Of course, I'm making up for it now!

  6. Wonderful image! Wishing you the happiest of holiday seasons =) xo

  7. Wow! You have a great collection of the most beautiful and touching images, Peggy. This one is perfect for the childhood theme.


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