Sunday, December 19, 2010

Take a word!

Celebrate the holidays!


  1. She is really cute. love her candle wreath crown.

  2. She's ready to 'party' in her pretty dress, Peggy!
    Happy Holidays to you too!

  3. Such a pretty card! The little Diva looks a bit serious, perhaps she's not used to having candles put on her head!
    Gorgeouis work. happy Christmas.xx

  4. Hahahaha sorry but I had to laugh when your page opened. She looks like me when I was young and was hoisted into a dress. The same happy face. I love it!!

    Beautiful card!

  5. Love holidays... and your artwork celebrates them perfectly!
    Merry christmas and Have sweet holidays

  6. Oh Peggy she's lovely but I think she's waiting for someone to arrive before she can celebrate!

    Merry Christmas my friend.

  7. So sweet, peggy. Love the candles on her head! Happy Holidays!

  8. Peggy - your Christmas celebration is absolutely gorgeous. I love the little girl and her background is scrumptious. While trying to enjoy it I keep getting drawn to the right because I find Mona Lisa's eyes a trifle disconcerting!! I know all about "the Mona Lisa strangeness in her smile" but perhaps we should add a line "the Mona Lisa strangeness in her eyes". Good fun.

  9. What a nice little girl perfect for your christmas card. Lovely work!
    Merry Christmas to You...


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