Friday, February 12, 2010

lotstodochallenge! / love is in the air

I was looking through my book
The Masculine by Kehl (darling and co)
and came across this picture! I was immediately drawn to the lifted weight in the air!
But wait, Just please look at the shape of his trunks!!!!!!!!!!!
I did NOTHING to alter them!
If those aren't the perfect valentine pants then my name isn't whatever!


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Postcard Friendship Friday!

This card seems to work well with "The cat's out of the bag"!
Happy postcard friendship friday to all!

Please just read, no reply necessary.

I have a dear friend who has just learned her leukemia is back after 6 months of remission. Right this moment it looks very bad.
Add Ginger to your thoughts/prayers please.
Thank you.
No need to reply.

Three Muses / Postage!

So I had this idea of when you could send mail with only the person's name and the state and it was delivered by pony express. I made an envelope and faux postage.
I imagined this little "gal" met a handsome red headed guy at the rodeo. He was a bull rider. She asked for his autograph.
She had freckles and red hair.
She sent him a fan letter!
That's my story and I'm stickin to it!!!!
(old west quote!!!)

Monday, February 8, 2010

Crazy Amigo's! Arrows

I saw this picture from lunagirl and HAD TO PLAY!
I call it

Inchie challenge

Use 3 items
Yes I cheated on 2!
If you guess right, I'll send them all to you!
left top, right top

Sunday, February 7, 2010

My Valentine to my husband!

Image from Lunagirl

My DH is an automobile dealer! I thought he would understand the sentiment!


Each morning she would go to the window hoping to see him coming down the road.
Image provided