One powerful hour/ Easter

I took a picture of some daffodils in a pitcher and added an easter decoration.
Then I went photoshopping!!!
I think it would make a fun postcard!
If any one wants to use it for easter/spring I would be flattered!!!

Theme thursday! 2"x4"

Yes, I have spring fever!!!
This is a digital work of a portion of 1 of my pastels

Some bunny

A little painting
picture of a bunny in a napkin ring

Two for Tuesday!

I got to be a guest at cora's!
Thanks for the opportunity!
Now, go check out her place and have some fun or inspiration with her images!!!

Inspirationavenue opposites

Shhhh, don't tell my husband. This is a picture of he and his brother on a vacation at Knottsberry Farm in L A, C A! (50's)

Crab Apple!!!!

We have 2 crabapple trees out front. My favorite time for them is now. They have white blossoms, pink buds and all kinds of greens and purple!
Here is my Impression!!!

Sunday postcard! Steampunk

I took a picture of a wall plug and added his ?her outfit!!!
I got the idea from a book I have called
Francois and Jean Robert
ISBN O-8118-2793-3
A fabulous collection of pictures of ordinary things that can be faces!!!