Saturday, July 17, 2010

Workshop with DJ Pettitt /sunday to wednesday!

I am taking a workshop by DJ Pettitt at An Artful Journey in Los Gatos, CA (1 hr from me) I am going with a neighbor who is taking a class from Stephanie Lee.
I will try and check in and for sure take lots of class pictures to share with you when I return.
Here is 1 of the pages I will be using!
Check her link below and you can see her art work and find out about An Artful Journey.
This is my 2nd time and the 1st time was with Nina Bagley!!!

sunday postcard! Magic

Mom's magic for a "boo-boo"
Image from
The Kindness Book
Welleran Poltarnees

Friday, July 16, 2010

Lots to do! Stitches

This is part of a larger 12"x12" collage.
I cropped 1 area and then added the red stitches, the needle was there!

Bees wax painting! Feedback please

I have been working on this 12"x12" canvas for almost a year. I do something then put it away. I got some new "Pan Pastels" and decided to do some layering over the bees wax.
What do you think?

gingersnapcreations! Markers!

fine point sharpie for drawing and color
Added a wash of pastel and pink pastel on geranium

Then I went to PS
cutout filter
added 2 layers of paint bucket

Crazy amigos!!! letter A

A gift from my parents, Christmas 1962!
She stands 12" h. I love the stitching on the palette and the canvas is painted. Just after the "beatnik" era!

An invitation!

I would love to have you come by my photoshop blog! It is related to challenges, my paintings, re done, and just for fun stuff!