Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Everyone wins giveaway/give to celebration! My 2,500th post!

Kaari Marie has just offered to send a jewelry kit!!!! We will have 3 kit winners
Thanks Kaari!

A lot to talk about!!!
Cathy died of ovarian cancer in 2007. Her birthday is April 23rd.
She was friend for over 35 years.
Celebrating a friends birthday, donating to an organization that is helping all women and my 2,500th post!

Part one!
Giving away 2 sets of The French General jewelry kits.
matching necklace and bracelet

# 1

#2Please leave a comment to be entered to win 1 set. Please leave a contact here or email me
So if you win I can find you!

Part 2 of Everyone Wins of Giveaway/Give to celebration!
If you leave a comment I will donate $1 to
I would love to receive at least 100 comments (or more) .
At the drawing date for the 2 winners I will count up the comments and send a donation to
Ovarian Cancer Research !
I appreciate you helping me celebrate Cathy's birthday!
You do not have to follow me, just leave a short comment!
Easy and you may win a kit.
If you wish to spread the word to others, please feel free to post this link on your blog!
My goal is 100 comments.
The more the merrier!!!!


  1. This is wonderful what you are doing, Peggy. God Bless You!
    Please include me in your drawing!
    Thanks ;-)
    LuAnn Kessler

  2. what a great give away and a great way to celebrate your friend's life! RIP Cathy

  3. Peggy what a lovely way to honour and remember your dear friend am sure she is smiling down upon you. My closest friend and her husband who are both quite young she is 45 he is 52 are both suffering from terminal cancer I feel your pain for your lost friend.
    Take care


  4. this is a brilliant giveaway, good luck raising some money - i hope it goes well xxx

  5. Great idea peggy, will share. You are special and I know that your friend Cathy is shining through you. Your art reflects your love of life. M

  6. what a lovely way to remember your friend, Peggy. I sent up a little prayer for her and am thinking of you as well.
    You can find me at:

  7. Great idea Peggy, I will share. You are special and I know that Cathy's love is shining through you. M

  8. Cathy lives on in your love! You have just shared what a wonderful person she was by sharing your love for her!
    I hope you get100 or more comments! What a special way to celebrate a special persons life. I'm sorry you lost her physical being,but she is definitely still with you in your heart and soul..she will live through your love! xo

  9. peggy..tried 3 times to leave a link to this post on my blog...can't get it1 i'll keep trying!

  10. Yep, I'm #10 and happy to help you celebrate. I know you'll get 100 posts and I'll spread the word.

    Lovely gifties Peggy. Hope I win!


  11. Congratulations on your 2,500 post! AND, congratulations on this wonderful gesture. I am a Stage #3 Ovarian Cancer Survivor for 11 years. Congratulations on your beautiful blog, your fabulous art and sharing your joy of life with the world. hugs from Mexico, Donna

  12. Congratulations on your 2,500 post Peggy! Such a celebration of giving and sharing and passing on and receiving. I survived ovarian cancer stage 3 - eleven years now. YEAH! What a beautiful gesture to celebrate your dear friend. She will be smiling on you. Your blog is beautiful, your art incredible -- and what can I say -- sharing it with the world like you do is a gift. hugs from Mexico, Donna

  13. Dear Peggy, this is most beautiful way to celebrate your friend life. I hope you reach your goal pretty soon. Hugs.

  14. You are such a wonderful person, Pegster! Hope to see you sometime soon :)

  15. What a fabulous tribute to your friend, Peggy!

  16. Peggy, you are the sweetest gal and I am sure Cathy has wings and is your special guardian angel. Here is my comment.
    Hugs, Tess

  17. What a wonderful way to remember your friend. I absolutely hate this disease. My daughter has cancer. We are fighting it hook line and sinker. I am so glad you are donating. Everything we do now will help those in the future.

    Congratulations also on your 2,500 post? Wow!

  18. It's a lovely, lovely thing you are doing. God bless you.
    P.S. Don't include me in the drawing but thank you for the opportunity.

  19. Peggy,

    Thank you for what you are doing! Much love!

  20. YOU are such a loving and AMAZING WOMAN....I feel so BLESSED to have come to know you over the years...and PROUD to call you FAMILY! BIG HUGZ!

  21. Peggy...there's one word for you and that's "Awesome"! What a beautiful way to remember Cathy. God bless you!

  22. r.i.p. cathy she is in a better place now looking down on you and smiling at your kindness

  23. Oh Peggy!! You are such a sweetheart!! What a FABULOUS tribute to Cathy!! I lost one of my closest friends, Robby to prostate cancer 6 1/2 years ago. Yesterday, April 20th would have been his 38th birthday. I still miss him horribly and know the pain Cancer causes and the empty feeling it leaves behind. I'm not surprised by your FABULOUS have a heart of GOLD and a CREATIVE spirit!!

  24. Hi Peggy,

    You are such a fine day -- what a worthy cause! Your dear late friend is surely smiling right now...

    Congrats on your milestone, too -- so many happy posts! Thanks for making us all happy by sharing your joy of life and art.


  25. my mom lived with cancer for a long time-hers started when she was 68. she had five different primary cancers, and she overcame all of them: we learned to live with the fear and "not knowing" with her. it can take so much--but it can give us the chance to learn to live in the moment, as well. you do your friend a beautiful honor to celebrate her this way.

    marilyn d./collagecats

  26. What a delightful and thoughtful idea Peggy! I'm sure Cathy is smiling down at you from above.
    Rock on!
    Terrie Lightfoot

  27. Aw, you are such a kind hearted person Ms Peggy!

    Love ya, love your art!

    JaWHOdee :D

  28. Peggy, I'd like to join you in this tribute to your friend. This is such a nice idea and thought. Janene

  29. What a fabulous way to remember someone dear to your life. I applaud you and will have to remember this kindness. I have a friend from elementary school that recently passed away from lymphoma and in July will copy your pay it forward and honor her. Thank you for being a dear heart. The Olde Bagg herself, Oma Linda turtle 8603 at comcast dot net

  30. You are the friend of all friends!

  31. You are doing a great thing for your friend. I know you really loved her by your actions. Congratulations on your 2500th post.

  32. Aw Peggy, I'd love to help you out! Of course I'll comment! :)

  33. This is a wonderful way to remember your friend. So touching and obviously straight from the heart. I'd love to win the kit and I hope you get LOTS of comments. :) There's a contact page on my blog, if I should win.

  34. What a beautiful giveaway in more ways than one. What a wonderful friend you are/were.

    Please sign me up for your generous giveaway.


  35. Happy birthday Cathy! Your friend celebrates your life every day. Put a dollar in the pot for me too Peggy. Thank you.

  36. What a wonderful tribute! Congrats on your many posts.

    iamvictorias at gmail dot com

  37. I hope you reach 100 comments. What a lovely way to celebrate your friend.
    eiggam 44 at yahoo dot com

  38. What a loving way to celebrate the life of a friend who lives on in your life every day. This nice gesture means that another will keep her memory alive.

  39. I think it's wonderful of you to honor your friend this way Peggy. u r the best!

  40. What a beautiful way to celebrate your friend. Such a dear friend will always be with you, remembered and cherished.

  41. What a wonderful tribute to Cathy and a great way to celebrate 2,500 posts! (Wow! Congratulations!)


    p.s. Your giveaway is great and generous but I have won so many giveaways lately, please leave my name out of the draw - I really should give my chance to someone else. I just really wanted to help you reach your 100 comment goal and celebrate with you!

  42. What a lovely idea, Peggy, I would post this on my blog, even if there weren't a giveaway! But I WILL post! Congratulations on your 2500 post, my gosh!

  43. What a wonderful friend you are, Peggy. I hope you 'raise' much and find your wallet lighter - but in a very good way.

  44. What a wonderful way to honor the life of your friend!
    Your painting is absolutely beautiful!

  45. Peggy what a wonderful way to celebrate a friend. Love what you are doing. Congrats on all the posts, also, your painting is quite lovely! I always love all of the flowers you paint.

  46. What a generous thing for you to do, Peggy! And the kits look wonderful, thank you for the opportunity! Have a wonderful Easter!

  47. What a wonderful thing you are doing. Wow 2500 posts, thats alot of writing! I could not resist leaving a comment as my last name is Gatti! So from a Gatti to a Gatto, blessings to you!!!!

  48. A wonderful tribute to your friend, so sweet. Congrats on your 2500 posts Amazing!! Good luck hitting your goal!

  49. My sympathy to you about your friend Peggy. Good luck with this quest. I have put something on my Blog to help you get to 100 :-)


    Ike xx

  50. I've put the Blog entry on Peggy - sorry forgot to leave my details.
    ikesart@hotmail.ccom Good luck xxxx

  51. Wow, 2,500 posts. Amazing.
    What a wonderful friend you are. Your friend will not die while you keep her memory alive. God bless you for rejoicing in the friendship that you was blessed with. I hope you achieve your goal and I hope you are blessed with everything you need in life. May god bless you with good health, love and laughter.

    Thanks for sharing this post, and the gifts. Happy easter to you

    Hugs Julie.(

    I will write a post straight away for you. Good luck

  52. A wonderful homage to your friend Cathy. You are such a thoughtful, generous soul. XOX

  53. what an awesome way to contribute to fight this wicked disease! I can be reached at gdperrier at mts dot net...good luck in reaching your goal! looks like you are half way there!

  54. a lovely tribute to your friend Cathy, and a terrific idea to support a great cause.
    thanks for doing this.

  55. Peggy - you are generous on so many levels. What a great tribute to your friend!

  56. Oh Peggy, what a fabulous idea! I hope you make the 100 mark. Please enter me in the giveaway # 1 and contact me at my blog or email

  57. Bless you, Peggy. What a wonderful tribute.

  58. What a wonderful way to celebrate your friend as well as draw attention to this diesase I hear so little about.

  59. Such a wonderful Way to celebrate. I am more then happy to leave a comment especially if its going to such a wonderful cause. Thanks for hosting this Peggy. Happy Easter
    Hugs, Rosalee

  60. An excellent cause Peggy! My SIL had robotic surgery to perform a hysterectomy this past week due to cancer. Thank goodness they got it all. Thank you for making this contribution. I would leave you 100 comments if it would help this worthy cause.

  61. I went over to thank and visit Electra for leaving a comment on my blog and read her post about your friend. What a wonderful gift you give to your friend on her birthday. I lost my Mom to lung cancer, so this is something I can relate to! I will also do a blog link to support your cause!

  62. How generous of you and for a great cause. What a wonderful way to remember your friend!

  63. Hi Peggy,
    You have a heart of gold!!! Happy Easter!! And what a beautiful thing you are doing!


  64. Great that you are doing this for your friend. I had huge luck last year that the docs were able to operate to remove my growths and that after the chemo I am now completely healed. It is good to call attention to this illness!

  65. This is a beautiful thing to do in your friends memory.

  66. Hi Peggy,
    This is a wonderful way to honor your dear friend. And 2,500 posts are amazing. I hope your are successful in achieving your goal.

  67. Peggy
    What a special friend you are to honour your friend in this way.
    Here is my comment and let's hope you reach 100. I am sure you will, plus plenty more.

  68. What a kudo for your blog!
    Especially lovely gesture for your friend Cathy. At least she was with you for 35 years. She is still with you in your heart and I am sure she knows it.

  69. Peggy, your friend would be so proud of you for honoring her in such a lovely way.

    Hope you reach 100!

    Mary Wilkins

  70. oh boy we are almost there!!!!!
    Thank you so much for your help.
    I really appreciate it!!!!

  71. what an awesome thing to do

  72. What a lovely way to remember your friend! Good on you!

  73. Happy Birthday to your friend in Heaven, Peggy. I know you must miss her terribly. Wonderful way to celebrate her life.

  74. This is a great way to honor your dear friend's memory (I am sorry for your loss, I am sure it is still painful to you) and help to combat a terrible disease.

  75. What a wonderful way to honor your friend. I'm so happy my few words can help in this cause.

    Jan Cregar

  76. what a beautiful thing to do, that's great

  77. I LOVE this site, so glad I was linked to it!!! and I love what your doing for cancer! Now...back to looking around!

  78. What beautiful thing to do! I hope you make your goal and beyond. That is very generous!

  79. Best of luck on your wonderful and important endeavor! What a lovely tribute to your friend.

  80. what a great idea! close to 100 now!

  81. I know you are going to get to 100 comments - and I am here to do my part! Keep up the great work.

  82. I'm happy that I can help you meet your goal! :-)

  83. I think this is a great way to honor a friend. I lost a close friend in 2009 to pancreatic cancer. It's hard, and I still think of her everyday.

  84. What a beautiful thing to do! I do believe it is as important to celebrate their birthday now as it was to celebrate in life.
    Blessings and joy to you.

  85. What a special person to honor a friend in this way, I am sure she is proud of you.

  86. In honor of Cathy and her dear caring and loving friend, my comment is to help this important cause. What a loving tribute to the memory of you friend.

    Hope you get 100 and many, many more. Every thought will bring energy to help the cause.

  87. Congrats on your 2500 post!!! Your are a wonderful person for honoring your friend in this way :)

  88. What a beautiful way to honor your friend! God Bless you!

  89. Add my comment, too. It's a great cause and I commend you for doing this. Now I'm off to cruise your blog!

  90. this is a very generous and thoughtful thing to do. your friend would be proud of you. If I win, email me at thank you, Deanna Foy.

  91. Peggy...
    Wow - great way to raise awareness, honor an old friend and celebrate your writing!
    I would love to throw in another set of jewelry if you'll take it - then you'll have three lucky winners!
    Send me the winner's name and I'll send out one of our past un, deux, trois jewelry kit.
    Here's to 100!


  92. I give you so much credit for finding ways to honor your friend -- if it were me I would still be just really really angry. Hooray for you -- it appears you and Cathy were really really lucky to have one another. ♥

  93. What a wonderful way to honor your friend's memory. I wish her family and friends joy in their memories of her.

  94. A wonderful way to honor your friend...proud to be a part of your donation.

    bkjobe at hotmail dot com

    Love French General!

  95. What a wonderful way to honor a friend and help others too! My mother's name is Peggy and she just had good news after she had a biopsy taken - no cancer : ) xox You're doing a sweet thing, and your friend loves you for it! :D
    Brenda Y.

  96. What a wonderful thing you are doing! God bless you!
    Please enter me into your drawing also and thank you!

  97. In Memory of my Mother, Olga V. Cohan 1927-taken by ovarian Cancer2006

  98. Good luck with all the posts, isn't it nice to know so many care, enjoy your memories of Kathy,, as I enjoy the memorie of friends passed.
    I would not mind winning one of the kits

  99. Just saw your post on FB.... curious so I stopped by. Bless you for your creativity and generosity.

  100. wow - what a great way to honor your friend's life...♥

  101. What a wonderful way to honor your friend! You are a special person and I thank you for being a beautiful soul and sharing it with the rest of us.

  102. Congratulations - you made it to your goal! And definitely a great cause.

  103. WE DID IT!!!!!
    Thank you so much for taking the time to help.
    Now whatever number of comments we get will be the icing on
    "the birthday" cake!
    Drawing tuesday, April 26, 2 p m Ca time!!!

    You are the best.

  104. Great idea to celebrate your friends life!!

  105. I LOVE your paintings, Peggy!!!

  106. If my comment is going to be "icing" can I request chocolate? What a sweet way to remember your friend! Good friends are indeed treasures, aren't they? Hold onto your wonderful memories.

  107. What a wonderful giveaway. Such a great cause.

  108. I hope my comment helps put you closer to your number. The kit would be nice.
    Thanks, Chris

  109. Ovarian cancer took my mother in 1976. Bless you for joining the fight against it!

  110. Cathy was very blessed to have you for a friend. Blessing

  111. You go Peggy hope you reach all your goals in life! Thanks for letting us be a part of this with you for her Birthday April 23 Happy Birthday Cathy I know she's listening

  112. You go Peggy hope you reach all your goals in life! Thanks for letting us be a part of this with you for her Birthday April 23 Happy Birthday Cathy I know she's listening

  113. Congratulations on your post achievement and kudos to you on your generosity.

  114. This is a wonderful idea for a worthy cause. I hope you get all the comments you want. Good luck with your fundraising! Your friend would be so proud of you.

  115. Awesome! You have surpassed your 100 comments. Warm thoughts to you in rememberance of your friend Cathy on her special day.

  116. Bless your heart, giving of yourself and time is the ultimate form of giving.

  117. What a wonderful friend you are! I pray a cure will be found soon!

  118. God bless you. My youngest sister had ovarian cancer at 29 and, happily, she has been clear for 7 years now. Your friend would be so proud of you. I know you will be successful in securing the number of comments you want, need or desire.
    Good luck and thank you

  119. This is a beautiful and generous donation. I lost my mother to ovarian cancer in July 1995.
    Thank you it means so much.

  120. beautiful post...I'm blown away by your generosity! Thank you for being so generous!

  121. Thank you for your commitment to a special cause. My husband's mother is a rare ovarian cancer survivor--25 years now. Bless you.

  122. Thank you for your commitment to this special cause. My husband's mother is a rare ovarian cancer survivor--25 years now. Bless you.

  123. peggy this post is just a testament to how much u are a giver.... I am happy to u poped over at my blog...
    french general kits and a donation is an amazing giveaway!

  124. What a wonderful tribute to your friend. Love is powerful.
    I am believing for a good response to your request.
    Love the French General jewelry kits! Beautiful.

  125. Looks like you reached your goal of 100 - congrats - now try for 200! What a sweet way to honor a friend and a fun win for a lucky person. Cheers from Brussels -

  126. How touching to do this in honor of your friend. You are a very generous person.

  127. You're a very generous lady...Cathy was very lucky to have you for a friend...

  128. Peggy, what a thoughtful thing to do! Also, I love your picture of 'the Paper Dolls'! :)

  129. what a wonderful and creative way to celebrate a friend's birthday and memory, as well as help other women!This is a cancer that dos not receive as much attention and support as it should and I know that your efforts will make a huge difference! ~Leena~

  130. This is such a neat idea!! your doing i see you have reached your 100th post so good luck in all you do !!

  131. You are very caring to do this for your dear friend and to pass it on to others is wonderful too.

  132. Thanks on behalf of my sweet and loving mother-in-law who was with us too short of a time.

  133. What a great way to celebrate your friendship and your friend. I am touched by the number of people posting comments who have been affected by cancer. Me, too. Hope you have a thousand posts!

  134. What a lovely thing to do! A wonderful way to honor your friend.

  135. Hi Peggy, you have inspired me to do something in honor of my friend that passed away in th month of May. I am a cancer survivor and my art wok came out of the healing from that. Thank you

  136. What a kind way to honor your friends memory. So thoughtful!

  137. Peggy,
    Please do not include my name in the drawing to win- I would love for someone else to win those lovely kits. I just want to help you honor your life long friend and celebrate your 2500 post. Congratulations -what a lovely way to celebrate.

  138. I'm still working my way the through the PS posts. If it's not too late, please enter me in your drawing.

    Very thoughtful post - I am very happy for all of you!

  139. Wow - well over your goal of 100 comments! Congratulations!

  140. I just checked back to see how many comments you received. 142 before this one. Good for you. Janene


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