Friday, December 9, 2011

Virgin a day!


  1. Heavenly host surrounding mother and child.

  2. I particularly love the angelic scene here. I read the link thank you, it seems he was born in the wrong era, still he'e up-and-coming now. Like many famous artists they have their day after they have gone!

    Sue x

  3. This is beautiful, Peggy. I had not heard of him. I did go to the link and saw how his artistic talent had been ignored during his lifetime.

  4. Funny-I was at a friend's house yesterday and she had a couple of shrines she had done of this very same artist images! What a strikingly beautiful image.

  5. the angels are amazing - his painting is so lifelike - no need for cameras!

  6. Amazing madonna ~ love the painting ~ exquisite ~~ thanks, namaste, Carol (A Creative Harbor)

  7. Oh Bouguereau is very well known and very popular now. His work is so beautiful.I posted one or two last year. In fact they have wall papers of some of his virgins. You can find them online. I think that his are some of the absolute best and vie with Botticelli for their beauty. This one is particularly lovely peggy. Thanks so much for sharing it!
    Noelle x

  8. The Queen of Heaven.
    William's story is a testament to do what you love, it has purpose, no matter what 'they' say.


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