A "gardening" angel

My first hand made holy card for me!!!
William A Bouguereau is the artist.
I added my favorite garden flowers and then did a little painting. then I printed it out on to card stock and trimmed the outside with german scrap. Added a few of my pressed flowers.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Haiku my heart!

Our family nativity, 1969. I bought a plastic one so the boys could touch and play with the people.

When I was a child
I spoke as a child
And saw events in a childish way, innocent.
I will not put away my childish ways.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Virgin a day!

Here is the last of my mother's "bedroom " marys".

Can you tell I am Irish?
The paint brushes in the mug are from my mom, my dad, a mentor, georgeanne, and a friend Mary!
Part of a poster of The great Wall of Chine from my aunts in the 30's. I hope one day to visit!
School whistle from my maiden aunts who were teachers and brought back many treasures from their trips around the world! Tiny madonna from Oaxaca. Birthday assemblage from a Michael DeMeng workshop
Thank you for letting me share my special mementos!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Virgin A Day

Another of 1 of my mothers"bedroom" marys hangs in my studio with some other special people!http://corazon.typepad.com/recuerda_mi_corazon/2011/12/a-virgin-a-day-1.html

Virgin a day

Sharing my Christmas Marys!
20 years ago I made 2 decoration pieces of the Nativity.
I always loved the story of Christmas!

1 for the bookcase in the hall!

1 wreath to hang on the wall
I am quite sure that Mary approves of the bears telling her story!

Collagobsession/ travel

WHO travels MORE than any one during the holidays ??????
Painting by
Grandma Moses (from The Grandma Moses Night Before Christmas book)

Virgin a day

Another picture that was my mom's!
My mother was a devout catholic. Not the in your face kind, just a loving woman who's religion was a very important part of her life.
