Saturday, February 11, 2012

So artful challenge/ red white and pink!

Artwork for this challenge to inspire you!
The official site should be up and running soon!
Get busy and create!!!!

by Electra

by Sherry

By Sharon

I am a member of the design team!
I Know nothing about getting the linky thing working on the official Soartful Challenge blog.
So I posted mine here for the new theme
Red, White, And Pink!!!!
Start creating and the new challenge post should be up soon!


  1. Beautiful samples from the Design Team!

  2. Love the cute little couple riding down the freeway of love together!

  3. Congratulations Sweetie!!!! They are lucky to have you:) Love, Jamie

  4. Your site is so fun and colorful. Love your art--very bright and happy!! I have become a follower so I can see your new art.

    Hope to get to know you better.


Thank you for visiting!