Friday, March 30, 2012

Grandparents Haikus!
I am celebrating the joyous news that dan and I will be first time grandparents in October.

God gifts us babies
to teach us to celebrate
A new beginning!

Babies remind us
to view the ordinary
in brand new wonder!

Grandma, I am here
to listen to your stories
and bring you laughter.

I am excited
to have you curl your finger
over my fingers.

Thank you dear baby
for bringing us a chance to
tell you special things!


  1. Your world is changing and you are correct in seeing this as a great thing to guide your life. (I know this, I have experience). Prayers and positive energy sent your direction for all to be as wonderful as you imagine. Wonderful haiku, every one of them. Just beautiful.

    Much Peace to all

  2. Wonderful Haikus, Peggy!

  3. CONGRATULATIONS ! I hope it's on my birthday!

  4. Congratulation! That must be so exciting for you! Oh, and October children are the best (*teehee* I know, I am one...)

  5. oh,Peggy!! how joyous!!!
    congratulations to you and your husband!!..and ,also the the parents-to-be!! nothing compares to seeing the child of your see the life you create,continue and multiply. oh,the joys of the first ultasound photo,the first kick you feel, the first time you see that precious little one..then..HOW YOUR HEART SWELLS WITH EMOTION THE FIRST TIME YOUR ARMS SURROUND THAT PRECIOUS BUNDLE!
    May the parents be blessed with an easy pregnancy and delivery!!

  6. Yes, even their approach gives us great joy! Wishing you endless inspiration for grandparent haiku.


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