Friday, May 25, 2012

Haiku my heart!
Brave men and women
Went to war for us, thank you!
We will not forget.


  1. How does bravery arise? I've often pondered that question...and I don't have any satisfactory answers.

    Cultivating Joy

  2. I like your red and blue, nice memorial day haiku!

  3. this weekend i am filled with memories of those i love now gone. it is bittersweet and i find myself longing for my father with my heart aching at the thought of one day also being without my mother. they were both in the navy pursuing medical careers when they met and fell in love.
    thank you for your gift of honoring.
    i am deeply touched.

  4. Never forget it ~ Have a good long weekend ~

  5. This is so poignant yet difficult, my dad went to fight for his country at the tender age of 18, he was a brave soul, nearly lost his life, I would not have been here if he had!

    But deep down I would like to see all war weapons rusting away! x


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