Thursday, August 16, 2012

haiku my heart!

This is the original photo I started with from google. I dropped in some color and added a low density image of a bird from Deviantscrap. I then did a filter...but not sure which one. Just play with this image and see what "you" get. Thanks for the nice comments!!!
Fall, I can feel it!
The change of color and smell
A rich new season!


  1. OH absolutely YES!!!!! I am SO ready for Fall and this art and haiku both reflect my heart's hunger. Love your PPF submission below as well:-)

  2. I'm not ready for fall yet; I'm still savoring summer. Your gorgeous leaves and haiku certainly do remind me, however, that even if I'm not ready, fall is.

  3. I'd like to know more about what's going on in your photograph. It looks fabulous!

  4. yes...feeling it here too, went straight from full heat of summer to autumn...just like that!

  5. lovely nature haiku and speaks of the need for cooler weather ~ soon enough ~ (A Creative Harbor) ~ Art work is very creative!

  6. interesting pic....did you make this? love the colors - autumn hues....

  7. Really an amazing nature creation, love the autumn colours.
    Have a nice weekend,
    hugs Anja

  8. I keep looking for hints of fall where I am too, but so far I've come up empty-handed (or would that be empty-eyed?).

    Helpless Soul

  9. Autumn is my favourite time of year! I can't wait.

  10. I can feel it to but this year i am not ready!!

  11. oh much as we love summer is there anything as thrilling as that first coolness slipping into to early mornings? your image and haiku evoke such perfect anticipation.
    thank you for being here lifting my haiku heart!

  12. Yes, Fall is coming, its amazing how that transformation takes place and we can feel it! Love what you did with the photo and your haiku! Thank you!

  13. Fall, I can feel it!
    ...I can feel it too. I love the colors of favorites.

  14. so cool Peggy! yes we can feel the first wisp of fall in the air & see the trees just hint at the change to come.
    Oh, thanks for stopping by, and i loved your Gene Tierney piece! hugs! :)


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