Thursday, November 15, 2012

Haiku My Heart

Dog sits quietly
Wanna take a walk(tail wags)
Leash on, off we go!!!!

simon says!


  1. Oh yes, oh yes, let's go!!! Such a sweet and eager face, I can just see that tail wag!

  2. so simple to evoke joy from a dog... sometimes no words need to pass at all just a smile can start my dogs tail wagging! I hope that you will consider sharing an offering for this year's 4th annual gratitude word quilt. You can find information about the project and how to participate at the top of my blog. If you’ve already sent something thank you. The quilt is growing quite expansive and with only first names, I can’t always remember who already shared. Feel free to write in your native language google translate is available on my blog so every one can read and understand one another. Every Blessing~ Laura

  3. so simple to evoke joy from a dog... sometimes no words need to pass at all just a smile can start my dogs tail wagging! I hope that you will consider sharing an offering for this year's 4th annual gratitude word quilt. You can find information about the project and how to participate at the top of my blog. If you’ve already sent something thank you. The quilt is growing quite expansive and with only first names, I can’t always remember who already shared. Feel free to write in your native language google translate is available on my blog so every one can read and understand one another. Every Blessing~ Laura

  4. There is nothing quite like loving up a dog! Furry joy.

  5. What a sweetheart. And a perfect haiku too.

  6. Such an adorable face ~ how can one resist ~ lovely haiku ~ gives one the feeling of 'yes, let's go'! ~ (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

  7. That is one cute pup!! I can see she is a sweet heart and probably has the cutest little walk! You've inspired me to write one for my dog!

  8. It's the same in my house every morning....impatient dance steps from my pup ..... let's go!

  9. Super Haiku, Peggy!

  10. Excitement, from the dogs perspective. Similar reaction when someone asks me to take a road trip!
    Very cool!


  11. I am not normally a dog person but as we have a new puppy at home i m loving how cute they are!

  12. I love what enthusiastic waggers dogs are.

  13. there it is, the unmistakable look of LOVE!!!

    thanks for sharing such an enthusiastic haiku!


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