Thursday, December 27, 2012

Haiku my heart

Brrrrrrrr! Cold very cold!
Scarf, mittens, hat, and warm coat!
Ready to walk the dog!

(who already is dressed)


  1. What a sweet doggie! It's cold here too.
    I like your haiku.

  2. awe how sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!!! have a wonderful walk!!!!

  3. Oh look at that sweet face. And look at those furry little paws. He is definitely ready for a walk.

  4. so sweet...cold her too! Warmly wishing you a happy New Year!

  5. How could anyone resist such a sweet face! Have a great walk!

  6. LOL! So clever Peggy.
    You and your puppy have a Happy New Year. ♥

  7. What a cutie - s/he almost has a heart shaped face, perfect for Haiku my Heart Friday!

    Happy New Year to both of you!

  8. Such a sweet face, yes a heart indeed! I just came in from peeling my many layers off... the dogs are still romping outside in theirs! Happy New Year to you Peggy!

  9. Cold in MA and just walked ArtMuse Dog ^_^ ~

    fun and loving haiku ^_^

    Happy New Year to you ~ (A Creative Harbor aka ArtMuseDog and Carol ^_^)

  10. What a cute dog ~ Wishing you happy journey and new year ~

  11. Yes, this is really it...the personification of winter...cold and dreary! And all of the sudden...most of us are in denial!

  12. dear all,
    i started early friday with such a bright hope for the day. so many haiku to visit, so many bright promises to fulfill. my day turned quickly on its heels into what became a living hell. for the last three weeks i have been battling extreme health concerns, i share this only to explain why i have been so hard pressed in visiting and leaving comments. yesterday took me to the very edge and this morning although i made it through an adverse med reaction with horrible vertigo, i am weak and undone. i do not like to write about my health issues, something i combat everyday to stay upright and among the living. but i see more and more of our haiku family dwindling away and i am sure many may have mistaken why, and taken it personally that i have failed to visit. this morning i am going to stay up long enough to be sure you all know that you have brought me comfort in my darkest hours without even knowing. for your kindness and patience i thank you with all my heart.



Thank you for visiting!