So artful challenge/ red white and pink!

Artwork for this challenge to inspire you!
The official site should be up and running soon!
Get busy and create!!!!

by Electra

by Sherry

By Sharon

I am a member of the design team!
I Know nothing about getting the linky thing working on the official Soartful Challenge blog.
So I posted mine here for the new theme
Red, White, And Pink!!!!
Start creating and the new challenge post should be up soon!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Haiku my heart

What if ?
I wasn't me !
What would I be ?
A double rainbow !!!
I took this picture probably 10 years ago from our back yard. It was a magic moment!

My new garden necklace!

... and surprise earrings!!! I love the contrast of the blue with copper!!!
I bought the necklace from my young friend Annie. She tucked in the earrings!!!
You can visit her shop at link below!

Thinking of Spring!

I used this charming little girl and imagined her picking flowers and keeping them in the folds of her skirt. Then letting them fall to the ground.
I think I have spring fever already!
Check out the link where you can get some wonderful images!!!