Tuesday, May 21, 2013

WOYWW / Matchbox exchange

2"x 5" matchbox/showers of flowers!
My box for my partner Michele. she likes off white and roses, birds and butterflies.


  1. All good things come in small packages. How lovely your matchbox.Francesca #27

  2. What a gorgeous box love the colouring
    Bridget #11

  3. wow, what beautiful matchboxes! Have a lovely week,Happy WOYWW Helen 5

  4. What fun! Love the little bottle. I have a pack in a drawer that I picked up and never knew what to do with. I'm sure Michele will love it.

    Tracy #76

  5. Oh Peggy this is quite beautiful - so much work and so small! Am in no doubt that your research effort will have Michele smiling for days!

  6. I can't tell if my first comment ''took' or if I pressed the 'close the window' cross too soon!
    Wanted to say..
    gorgeous work, and it takes time to work so small - I know Michele will really appreciate the research..she'll be smiling for days.

  7. What beautiful boxes and contents! Happy WOYWW! Karen 85 x

  8. Hi Peggy
    what an amazing little gift just stunning and so personal. The colour palette is fab and all those pretty little pieces will make this very special thank you for sharing
    Sending hugs and hoping you have a great day
    Ria #74

  9. Wow! Those matchboxes are amazing. I can't believe you got such amazing detail in those tiny boxes. I hope the ones you get in the swap are equally gorgeous.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Rachel, #65

  10. What a great matchbox.. a lovely idea. Happy WOYWW. Pam#20

  11. this is beautiful !!! I am sure she will luv it !

    Darlene #122

  12. Your match boxes are stunning. Your partner will love it. Happy crafting #3

  13. What lovely matchboxes. Thanks for sharing and Happy Woyww Liz@145

  14. Wow! Matchboxes! Such detail and beauty in such a small space! Wow! Hw

  15. G'Day Peggy
    I'm running up the rear with getting around for WOYWW but here I am. Wow I love the match box art and wonder what you will get in return
    Annette In Oz #4


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