Friday, January 9, 2015

PPF/ Journal project

Paint Party Friday: Week 44, Year 4 Check-In

I am participating in 2015 Documented Life project. These almost done. My goal is to use what I have from my classes, collected papers, unfinished art projects... USE what I have! I have some beautiful papers I have been saving....Use them!


  1. LOL, I know what ya mean about saving things. You did fantastic, I love it!

  2. What you have here is really gorgeous. I love the background paper in the first one.

  3. Lovely collage art Peggy! I should heed your words and start using my beautiful papers instead of hanging on to them:)

  4. Good for you - I know how hard it is to use those saved up papers! Valerie

  5. How gorgeous and amazing! I too have things I'm saving, maybe I should use some of them...

  6. Good for you! So USE is your word of the year then? Beautiful.... I have been using things up too!!

    Hugs Giggles

  7. I save bits and bobs all of the time but seeing your work I think I should start creating.
    Thanks for the inspiration
    Happy PPF to you

  8. Hi Peggy. Use is a very good word. Good for your. Very nice collage.


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