Monday, January 25, 2016

Cheeky challenge

Cheeky Challenge


  1. Peggy...THis is absolutely BEAUTIFUL. It makes me think of a wonderful watercolor painting. What a grand job you did. It goes into my collect of favorite posts. genie

  2. Hi Peggy! We are fellow Cheeky Challengeers and I'm going around visiting the others. I love your piece. Your flowers remind me of floating water lilies the way you've placed them. Very nice. xoxo, Aimeslee

  3. So so beautiful and artistic, this is a magical piece Peggy, it would make a beautiful canvas.
    Thanks for joining in the challenge my friend.

  4. Dont know if my post disappeared Peggy. But thanks so much for joining in with this magical, beautiful piece. I adore it.

  5. I love your style, Peggy! Those newspaper dresses in your blog header crack me up, how fun! Thanks for your nice comments on my paper beads:)


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