Thursday, February 14, 2019

3 muses

The Three Muses Challenge - AFRICA

A note here to those who comment. I always try to respond to those who comment and also leave remarks about the other art posted. Google makes it difficult for me to connect and let you know how I enjoy the other art in this challenge. I will keep trying and do appreciate all of you who leave a comment, thank you!!!


  1. Hee hee, you crack me up, Miss Peggy.

  2. Very dramatic. luv this

    much love...

  3. This is great- you are always so creative and imaginative Peggy-what fun!

  4. Fabulous, this page sure has an African story to tell.

  5. You have a wicked sense of humour, Peggy. I think we know what Mr Lion will be having for dinner. Funny and fabulous.

  6. i'm wondering if the lion is truly civilized or not... funny! well done. xo


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