Monday, February 23, 2009

4th item to give away!

Atc tin box
misc. papers


Tristan Robin said...

Peggy - you're being too generous!

what a terrific little tin!

bookcrazzzy said...

Me! Me! Margie

wwilloww said...

Hi Peggy, Congrats on your 400th post and thanks for the freebies you are giving away!!! So far,they are GREAT!! Please enter me into the drawing. Thanks, Willow

wwilloww said...

Hi Peggy, Congrats on your 400th post and thanks for the freebies you are giving away!!! So far,they are GREAT!! Please enter me into the drawing. Thanks, Willow

wwilloww said...

Hi Peggy, Congrats on your 400th post and thanks for the freebies you are giving away!!! So far,they are GREAT!! Please enter me into the drawing. Thanks, Willow

Vicki Holdwick said...


What a lovely tin and goodies. I am so blue with this cold and these winter snows.

To win this would really be a great pick-me-up!

Anonymous said...

FUN Stuff, Peggy!! This is really neat.....and you jogged my memory of some vintage bunny scrap images I have stored to pull them out to use this spring before I forget again ROFL!!! THANKS!! You really do keep my hopping!

Bec Clarke said...

I am hoping that it's o.k that I comment on each day. I just think you are so generous and love all the stuff you have put up so far.

Anonymous said...

You're so generous...this is really cute. Hope to be the lucky winner!

Carolyn Miller

susi said...

Congrats on your 400th! That's quite an accomplishment! Sign me up for the goodies! susi

Anonymous said...

What a fun tin, and very cool vintage stuff, too!! Count me in -

Crystal Buitron said...

oh it all looks so cool!!! I would love to get in on this too!!! Please count me in.
Crystal Buitron

Anonymous said...

Congrats on 400 posts. Awesome.
The give-aways look fabulous. Very generous.

Max said...

This give-away is so adorable, how can you part with it! Good luck with the reading.

Unknown said...

great prize and gotta say gal, l-urv-ing your blog banner - where did you get that pic it is brilliant!

Rsanchi said...

Love the blog! Great stuff. I LOVE the photo of dinner with friends- looks like my parents, back in the day!
Please enter me in your drawing!

Connie said...

great box and papers! very generous of you!

KatParks said...

Pick me!

Unknown said...

Too cute and looks fun to embellish!!