A selection of ORIGINAL collage sheets. If you are not a customer of this site, you should check it out!
I am posting this for tuesday on monday because I will be unavailable tomrrow(tue). Why? I am having book club here on wednesday and I suggested the book "The Last Chinese Chef"! I started the book 3 weeks ago and it is really good! But "art" got in my way and I haven't finished it! Since I lead the discussion, it would probably be a good idea if I read the book! We are having chinese food to go along with the discussion!
So tomorrow I will spend reading like crazy!
See you all wednesday morning with the next addition to the giveaway. You only need to comment ONCE to be eligible for any of the items!

Hello, I am leaving a comment for the drawing. Your blog is quite interesting, thanks for posting! I m a member of ArtChixStudio Yahoo Group. My e-mail is Dreamreign1@yahoo.com ... people usually call me Dream. Way cool stuff o your blog!!
Hey there! I had fun looking around your Blog. Love the header and love your give away idea.
Christy Laudig
But I love AChix also! Please sign me up for the prize!
Hi, Paggy!! You know I love ARTchix - had to stop over and get my name in your fabulous drawing!
Your blog is as fun as you are! Joy : )
Peggy waving and shouting from across the pond great giveaway please add me to this thanks x
What fabulous give-aways and very generous offerings!!! I love your sunflower painting on the denim. Am wondering if it is painted on clothing or if not, what will you be using it on? Thanks for sharing.
(diva) jan
Who doesn't love artchix! Great giveaway Peggy - can you believe how quick the time has gone since you started your blog! amazing how time flies
What a great giveaway you're doing to celebrate! Thank you for offering it to us...
I absolutely love your header picture!
Off to read more of your blog...
Would love to have my name entered into the drawing!!! Thanks so much for the opportunity.
Hi Peg,
I'd love to win any of your giveaways.
What a generous offering!
please enter me for your giveaways. love your blog. thanks, pam
What fun things you have on your blog! Please enter me into the drawing. I love your art bits, and ADORE your blog banner too.
My oh my what a wonderful selection you have. I feel like a kid in a candy shop. Please put my name in the pot. Love your blog and all the fun stuff in it.
Thanks, Ruth
I really enjoy you blog. Thanks for the popportunity to win all this great stuff. When I look at all your offerings, I feel like a kid in a candy shop. The artchix would be wonderful to receive.
I would love to have my name pulled out of the pot.
WOw!! 400 posts! That is great!
And another book to add to my list of things to read. THANKS!
It's always so much fun reading your blogs and seeing what you're up to - love your work.
It would be wonderful to be a winner.
Jan in AZ
Congrats Patti!! Keep on Bloggin!!!
Artful Blessings,
Hiya Peg! I LOVE artchix and would love to win anyone of the prezzies! Put me in!
Doreen aka LuniLadi
I love your blog, Peggy. And I love ARTCHIX too. What great art you conjure up, it's lovely. Thanks for the giveaway, hope I win one of the items. Keep rockin', Girl!
Very cool giveaway! Please throw my name in the proverbial hat - you should be proud of 400 posts! That is quite the accomplishment. :)
I love all of your prizes! I would be honored to win any of them!
I love ArtChix sheets. Thank you for the chance to enter your wonderful giveaway.
What an amazing group of giveaways and such a fun blog! Who doesn't love artchix.. their site is so yummy!
I love that beautiful piece you did with the transparencies.. I'm going to hop over there and check it out!
Please toss my name in the hat! Thansk!
Love your taste in collage sheets. Great blog.
Wow Peg! You're pulling out all the stops! ArtChix goodies cannot be resisted.
I am loving all of your giveaways!!
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