Friday, February 20, 2009

Painting on denim


Tristan Robin said...

the denim makes a very nice textured background, doesn't it?

... and I noticed a little beading on denim as well ...

this is like the beginning of my favorite jeans in 1969

Joanne Huffman said...

very nice. Is this for a wearable?


Anonymous said...

I'm sending my pants your way for you do paint something on them! HA

Is this on a jacket?


Kim said...

What a great flower! I love the pen outlines and the center... are those seed beads I see? Fab!

Anonymous said...

Love the way the denim makes the flower look -- :)

arlene said...

OOh La La!! Lovely!

Anonymous said...

I happened to stumble across your blog from Vals Altered Heart blog...I love the way this sunflower looks on the best friend loves sunflowers & would absolutely love this.