I got the idea from a book I have called
Francois and Jean Robert
ISBN O-8118-2793-3
A fabulous collection of pictures of ordinary things that can be faces!!!


Peggy - too hilarious! With that coiled up hair I think she must have stuck her finger into her eye! Keep them coming we love the humour! cheers!
Ok, this will sound really weird but I think you've captured Charlie Chaplin. :) Sounds like a fun book.
What a cool idea, Peggy, very ingenious!
Hi Peggy: I just love your little outlet guy! So cute. I love all of your art and especially am so impressed with your skills in PhotoShop. Where did you learn to do that? Are you Self-taught?
I also like your Artchix Lottery hats!
Kind regards, Pam
I don't think the wallplug is very keen on his (or her) job! Startled would be the word I might use to describe him (or her!). Or maybe "shocked". Thanks for the giggle, Peggy.
Interesting take on the theme, never thought to use a plug outlet, lol! Cute card!
This is just hillarious!LOL, love it!!!
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