Thursday, April 22, 2010

4x4 friday! City scape and AWAY for awhile!

I will not be blogging until thurs of next week. Stay well, create and can't wait to catch up and see what I missed from all of you!!!
Harbor at Cabo San Lucas.


Darling image provided!!!
I didn't want to change her sweet little face.

what's on your workdesk wednesday!!!

Cleaning out a kitchen drawer!
You know, the drawer that gets all the stuff you are not sure what to do with it.... and yet, you don't want to toss it!
And oh, ALL THE PENS AND MARKERS ! Some work ,some don't!
So, here's what I thought I would do with the pens. Cover a small journal!
Glue them on the front and back. Layout so far on 6"x6" art journal!

The pile on 1 corner which gets the projects I am going to do right away??????

3 Muses!

I made this 3"x 5" assemblage for an Ofrenda in Oaxaca for Day of the Dead.
Ofrendas are shrines to honor those who have died and you leave flowers and gifts to honor them. This picture is of vera, an artist and friend who lived in Brazil. She is holding 1 of her favorite cats. I never met her in person, but we were friends for 3 years. I know, that doesn't sound like much time to form a closeness to someone but we really did connect. She died of cancer(3 years ago) . Too young. This was part of a shrine some art friends made to honor those special people in our lives. It was part of a Michael De Meng workshop.
So she had her crown and she had her flowers.

Tag Tuesday! Recycle

Goat is from brochure of a cashmere shop
hotel from a map
part of an airline ticket
Sticker is only thing new!!!
Boy I went through a lot of stuff and threw out a bunch of stuff!!!

inspirationavenue bloom and a blog hop!!!!

Country Living, Garden Decorating
ISBN 1-58816-024-6 ( 2001 )
Picture cropped and painted with photoshop.

crazy Amigo's / flowers

I took this picture of a garden in Carmel, CA on the weekend.
Then I did some painting using the paint bucket!!!

Mixed Media Monday! Look what I found!

1 1/2"x 1 1/2" soldered glass pendant!!!!
See the lumpy part on top? This was my first soldered piece 3 years ago and the lumpy part is supposed to be where I soldered the link so I could have a pendant. It didn't work too well but I kept it any way!
I liked this magazine garden picture and decided to make it the background. Then It reminded me of Monet's pink garden house so I made the house pink. The image made me think it could be one of Monet's family looking out the window.
A bit of a stretch for the theme, but I really did just find this in a box in my studio!