Friday, September 16, 2011


19"x 23" frame
Diablo Hills
pastel mixed media


Sandy said...

Really really beautiful painting Peggy.
I love your paintings.

Have a lovely weekend. xoxo

Carol McKenna said...

Awesome, colorful and creative! Wow! ~thanks, namaste, Carol (Share the Creative Journey) and Happy PPF ^_^

Faye said...

I love it, Peggy. The colors are vivid and gorgeous.

Netty said...

Beautiful pastel painting, Happy PPF, Annette x

Gerry Snape said...

really love this one Peggy. Great combination of colours.

Heather said...

this is really cool. i like how you shared the frmaed version with us...i like the greens you used, too!
have a great weekend!

Joni Nickrent said...

Amazing vivid, bold and beautiful! Love it! Happy ppf POP ART MINIS

Abela said...

What a great texture and color ....Saludos

Christine said...

love the movement and colour. I think I see fir trees in there.

Mary C. Nasser said...

Beautiful mixed media pastel painting!
Happy PPF!

Unknown said...

I love the colors you used here, I find a lot of landscapes dull but this one is wonderful!

Unknown said...

hi peggy
this landscape is ALive with zoomy zoomy awesome energy.



Karen Isaacson said...

so beautiful! It looks so gorgeous in its frame.

ger chouinard said...

Peggy: Beautiful work! Love the way you framed it too! Great colors! Happy PPF! g

carlarey said...

What a bright happy painting! It's like a blast of late Summer.

Rosie Kaplan said...

Lovely painting

SHERI COOK said...

Beautiful bright colors! Happy PPF!

EVA said...


The hills are alive. :)

Mary Hysong said...

beautiful colors; reminds me of some parts of CA at the end of summer. Happy PPF!

Hybrid J said...

Lively color for the hills! ;)

Julie said...

Love this one, gorgeous color!

Darla said...

Fabulous! I know the Diablo hills and you rendered them beautifully in your painting.


Melisa said...

It looks fantastic with the wide mat!

Annabelle said...

A luminous vibrant landscape...beautifully done!

Anonymous said...

Super vibrant...that yellow really pops out at you!

Geckostone said...

Peggy, its gorgeous!!! Love the yummy colors! Deb