Friday, September 23, 2011


Another in my Mt Diablo series!
I will be showing 3 paintings at our local town hall. It is in conjunction with Tao House. Eugene O Neill had a home here in Danville that is historically preserved. 2 performances of his play, Long Days Journey Into Night will be performed at the Village theater and the paintings will be next door. A reception is held tonight and tomorrow for the artists. I am hoping to sell my art for this theme, Diablo scenes.


Joni Nickrent said...

Beautiful! Wishing you the best with your show! I'm sure you'll rock it! POP ART MINIS

carlarey said...

This painting is wonderful. Good luck with the show!

Netty said...

Loving your beautiful painting, enjoy the weekend and hope its productive. Happy PPF, Annette x

Kristin Dudish said...

That is so exciting - Congratulations!!! I'm sure your paintings will be a hit :)


Anonymous said...

wow, the hillside in this painting is just beautiful, you captured the shadow and texture of the vegetation beautiful,,The colors are amazing in this,

Geckostone said...

Wow this is stunningly beautiful! I love how the colors just pop out! Spectacular!Deb

Annabelle said...

Good luck at the show and enjoy your time there; no need to get nervous.....You do gorgeous work.
Love this painting....done digitally?

Rosie Kaplan said...

super duper painting. Well done

Julia Dunnit said...

Gracious Peggy, you are a stone's throw from my sweet Sissy, she's in Danville too. What a teeny small world. I've been up to the top of that there Diablo in the middle of summer and half frozen to death..I bet that's why it's named such. I have rubbish photos - your art is amazing, I recognised it immediately!

Mary C. Nasser said...

Beautiful painting!
Have fun tonight!
I hope you sell all your art!

Robin Panzer Art said...

Good Luck with the show! Lovely painting. Happy Paint Party Friday.

Abela said...

The landscape is very good .... I think it will be easy for you to sell ...Saludos

HeARTworks said...

What vibrant colors! Great job! I'm sure you'll do well selling them! Patsy from

Hybrid J said...

Another strong vibrant painting ... well done!

Melisa said...

This is beautiful! I love the clear clean colors.

Cynthia Schelzig said...

wow,,,I love this Diablo series...hope you had fun at the show!

GlorV1 said...

It's a great painting. I'm sure you will do great at the show. Bravo!

Faye said...

Beautiful western scene, Peggy. I hope you were able to sell the paintings you wanted to sell. Sounds like fun.

Karen Isaacson said...

gorgeous. downright breathtaking! hope your reception went well.

Heather Foust said...

This painting is Beautiful!! Colors are so vibrant! Good Luck with the show!