Sunday, October 30, 2011

Art of remembering!

I hope you all see the link at the bottom of this post and visit some amazing and beautiful photos of what a special celebration this is .A time to remember with joy and affection those who have left our earth to play and shine in the heavens above!
I always say, " the night does not frighten me because my friends are in the stars"
I wish you all the best!
My "home" shrines!

this is 1 of the shrines I made for Day of the Dead. It celebrates women artists!
12" x 4"x4"


rebecca said...

love, lOvE, lOVe!!!!
that parting shot,

thank you for sparking my already ignited enthusiasm to shrine!

Ann said...

fabulous Peggy!!
very inspiring!

GlorV1 said...

Outstanding Peggy. Love your work. So glad you have joined Rebecca. Have a great week. Love your artistic enthusiasm. said...

Very Kool!

Fran aka Redondowriter said...

Each photo more wondrous than the one before. I love your shrine to women artists--and all your shrines. You are incredibly creative and I've gotten some ideas for next year. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

These are wonderful!! each them! Those flowers caught my eye too.

Healing Woman said...

What fabulous decorating. I love the addition of Frida.

Dawn Elliott said...

I always enjoy seeing the variety in the altars that people make. The altar to women artist is totally awesome...I LOVED every aspect of it and enjoyed seeing each shot...discovering yet another layer of genius!