Sunday, October 23, 2011

Remembering Day of the Dead

Michael DeMeng, master of shrines!!!
Class Offrenda
Card I made of my friend Vera, a wonderful artist who died too young. She loved her cats!
My grandparents with sombreros in Mexico
So, I am still loading up pics......


Anonymous said...

amazing photos, just amazing,

rebecca said...

oh peggy,
you have to know that you have struck a heart cord in me! and that very last shrine tugged at my soul, your beautiful shrine offered in generosity to the shrine auction! thank you so much for your love of oaxaca and children, and dia de los muertos!

Anonymous said...

Was this a trip to Oaxaca with Michael? Love all the photos...thanks so much for sharing!

Fran aka Redondowriter said...

What a treasure trove of photos. I love them! Where were these photos taken? All different places? Again, as I've commented on other posts, I have gotten so many ideas from so many of you. Thanks. said...

Great photos. Love those sand paintings/sculptures.

yoborobo said...

I love Michael's work, he is something, isn't he? And your photos are just amazing! You made that little shrine at the end? It is really lovely.