Thursday, December 15, 2011

haiku my heart!

To be a child and believe.
To completely trust.
Keep it alive.

me and santa 1950


Spadoman said...

With my Grandchildren ages from 4 to 13, there is always the discussion this time of year about whether or not Santa really exists. I like the idea of keeping it alive." Existance in what form?" I usually ask the older ones. The young ones still believe without question.
Of course there is a Santa Clause.


anthonynorth said...

Keep it alive, indeed. nice one.

Anonymous said...

great memory here!

Every time I see your banner load I smile...they were so very ahead of their time!

Lenora said...

may we all wait in awe with joy in our hearts!

Noelle Clearwater said...

I love this one Peggy. It is a wonderful memory and one to keep alive in your heart and imagination. How sweet you look! thank you for sharing it.

foxysue said...

Oh what a treasure, wish I had one, a santa pic!

Nice haiku

Sue x

*jean* said...

o peggy, how darling...that photo would make a great paintover so sweet..merry merry to you and yours...

Fran aka Redondowriter said...

This is so very dear. I'm so glad you have this photo from your parents collection.

Dawn Elliott said...

Oh, the look of wonder on your face! I'll bet it's still there as you do your art. Merry Christmas!

rebecca said...

dear peggy,

forgive me for this late arrival. i posted haiku my heart last friday and answered every one i could before i was called unexpectedly out of town.
your haiku here speaks to me in wondrous ways!!! yes, dear peggy, let's always believe!