Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Virgin a day

Sharing my Christmas Marys!
20 years ago I made 2 decoration pieces of the Nativity.
I always loved the story of Christmas!

1 for the bookcase in the hall!

1 wreath to hang on the wall
I am quite sure that Mary approves of the bears telling her story!


Fran aka Redondowriter said...

I would like to think that Mary would most definitely approve of your bear Nativity scene. You have so many remarkable crafts at your website. I'm going to go check your Etsy site.

Noelle Clearwater said...

Oh, I think that this is just Cuddly wonderful. It makes me want to snuggle right into the manger. I love it!

Unknown said...

So cute!!

Priti Lisa said...

You are so much fun Peggy!
And I love how you included a dreidel...that made me happy.

Lenora said...

oh my this takes me back - I love how a child uses everything and anything available and it all makes sense in their mind - so beautiful - it is hard for an adult to mimic such whimsy! As a child every Christmas either late Christmas eve or more usually very early Christmas Day before anyone was up I would creep downstairs to the Christmas tree and set up my nativity using all my dolls, bears whatever was special to me at the time, I had some vague idea that no one knew who did this , a fairy,an angel, St Nicholas himself.. it was my magic for the family for the season.. I have not changed much :-) - and interestingly, I would try not to see what Santa had left me.. thanks for the memory!

Spadoman said...

Very creative to take the greatest story ever told and retell it whimsically. I like these works a lot! Happy Dayb 6


*jean* said...

oo these are darling!!

Anonymous said...

I would agree!


carol l mckenna said...

Peggy ~ They are all very adorable ~ loving them ~ thanks for sharing this with us ~ Happy AVD ~ namaste, Carol (A Creative Harbor)

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

All creatures great and small tell the story!

My Lady Comfort

rebecca said...

you are just way too much FUN!