Tuesday, March 6, 2012

haiku my heart

I love a full moon!
It shines on my pillow and
my face as I sleep.
image from magicmoonlight


Ramesh Sood said...

Moon fascinates..well done..

Ramesh Sood said...

Moon fascinates..well done..

Ramesh Sood said...

Moon fascinates..well done..

Ramesh Sood said...

Moon fascinates..well done..

Libby said...

Peggy- I LOVE your haiku! It goes with the picture really well. Have not been to your blog before, and I like your banner pic. I bet there is an interesting story there too! :)

Chevrefeuille said...

Nicely done. Love the magic in it.

Marit said...

Such a cute picture and haiku. Remembers me of my son when he was little...

carol l mckenna said...

delight haiku ~ can visualize the moon shining ~thanks, namaste, carol (A Creative Harbor)

Anonymous said...

That lovely moon did keep me up a bit...but I woke early to catch it setting below the mountain line


Lea said...

How lovely to find this March full moon shining out from your words and picture! Lovely Peggy, thank you!

Dawn Elliott said...

I had those very thoughts earky this morning!!! Beautiful sentiments!

Helen Campbell said...

Wonderful prose. I love a full moon also.

deb did it said...

sweet sweet haiku!

gma said...

The moon has been spectacular!

Vinay Leo R. said...

Like a night light
Let the moon be your safety
Gift you sweet dreams!

Lovely haiku, Peggy :) and the photo too.

rebecca said...

her sweet face is as glowing and full as the radiant moon that graced us all the quiet night and even waited to bid farewell in the early morning.
your verve for life peggy is so reminiscent of bright fullness!