Thursday, March 22, 2012

haiku my heart

Morning glory bud
sleeps and then it shows its face


Lenora said...

in western Canada morning glory are white and the most hearty of weeds, beautiful, but making misery under the soil for the rest of the tenants.. yet even as a girl in California i had seen these blue beauties, opening only one day as our white faces. I always wanted some in our northern garden, but we must lack the hrs sunshine, or perhaps we are too wet a clime. I understand they do not take over, but are a more polite guest than ours. I still love their sunny, luminescent glory, Creten blue, wildly cheery..

Dawn Elliott said...

Oh, how I long to see the Morning Glories blooming! In northern Arizona we won't see them until well into the summer! Beautiful!!!

Fran aka Redondowriter said...

My mom grew these and I always thought they were magical. I love anything blue!

Hazel said...

I love its 'blueness'! There's something glorious in a bright new day. It's great motivation for a lethargic like me.

A Bit of the Blarney said...

How very beautiful in both picture and word! The flower is such a vivid blue! Thank you for you beautiful words. Cathy

Spadoman said...

Beautiful photo. Wonderful Haiku. Spring and the rebirth of the flowers and plants is so divine. Thanks for sharing this. My hopes are for you to have a wonderful day and weekend ahead.


Unknown said...

Beautiful words!! When I see the morning glories in my yard I always greet them saying "Morning, Glory!!" of course!! And aren't they just that - the morning's glory?

Ramesh Sood said...

This is my Favourite..


Chèvrefeuille said...

Awesome painting of words Peggy. Wonderful picture of the Morning Glory.

carol l mckenna said...

Wow! awesome photo with wonderful haiku ~thanks, wishing you a great weekend ~ namaste, carol ^_^

Libby said...

That is the most vivid, cheerful shade of blue. AND, I think that your haiku is really well-written ;) You know, when ever I come to this site, I always look at your banner pic for awhile - I like it!

joy said...

Be still my heart! Love this vibran blue morning glory, Peggy!

rebecca said...

some flowers just bring an immediate smile, morning glories are surely one! i can feel the large hard seeds humming in the warming earth. perhaps the favorite of early risers...beautiful company, as are you dear peggy!
thanks for a perfect welcome to a bright new day!

Karen said...

I've always loved these flowers, that are so much better at greeting the morning than I am.

Anonymous said...

LOVE that spring is nearly HERE!

Priti Lisa said...

What a glorious color!
And a beautiful haiku.

Kimberly said...

Beautiful brightness! Our gardens are so good at reminding us of Mother Nature's optimism

GYamato said...

in japanese the literal translation of the word for morning gloray "asagao" is morning face! What a lovely face to start the day with. must practice getting my 'asagao' on! :O)

Rebeca Trevino said...

morning glory . . . my favoriites!
beautiful image.

Marit said...

Oh wow, that colour is beautiful!

Cheryl said...

Morning Glories are wonderful and prolific in the Pacific NW. I see orange ones here in Bellingham.

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Pop! The morning glory opens and all is right with the world!

Poppies Lack Endurance