Thursday, April 5, 2012

Haiku my heart!

The sun on my face
As I am walking my dog!
What could be better?

Image from book
Woman and Dog


Ramesh Sood said...

Absolutely beautiful.. I too have written something similar..I see every day so many women walking with their dogs...

Hazel said...

Wonderful! I so love the picture you created with your haiku.

Spadoman said...

So, you and that woman have something in common then, eh? I also enjoyed the sun on my face yesterday. I sat out in a lawn chair in the afternoon with a friend. I remember and will seek again the peacefulness of just sitting and allowing the sun to cascade over me. The dog was in the yard behind me doing the same.


carol l mckenna said...

Delightful haiku and great photo ~ thanks, namaste, ^_^

Lenora said...

Oh to haven some sun - we have had moments - spring is a long time coming this yr here - have a great day!

Anonymous said...

not much! the sun that shines now on my face has lifted my spirits from our past gray/wet/cold days!

irene said...

your haikus brought a big smile to my face today. the sun is out here in so. california and i don't thing anything can be better!

irene said...

ps i love your banner photo!

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Lovely haiku!

Cheryl said...

I spent 4 hours yesterday with a friend making art, sitting next to the window with the sun shining on us. When we left, we stood there soaking it up and enjoying all over again our time spent together inside. We have waited so long for the sun...

Annie Jeffries said...

Right on. A dog and sunshine is the best combination.