Friday, February 15, 2013

Haiku my heart

Walking yesterday
I could smell spring in the air.
Perfume from blossoms!


Anonymous said...

Trying hard to be happy for you and not sorry for myself, Peggy. LOL! More snow coming our way tomorrow:( Love the Haiku.xx

Delphyne said...

I can't wait for those blossoms! Nothing like Spring and Autumn in the East/Northeast!

Laura said...

I'm looking forward to that... although it is snow here still, I HEAR spring in the air as birds sing a wake-up song in the mornings now.

Carol and artmusedog said...

Magnificent macro photo and delightful haiku ~ ^_^

Anonymous said...

love it
the first signs of spring!!

Priti Lisa said...

So lucky, you!
Spring will spring here too...
eventually. ♥

gma said...

That's great. We don't have any show of spring yet here in Az. It is pretty mild though thankfully. Enjoy the blooms.

Wabi Sabi said...

Oh what good news... send it here next!!

Unknown said...

This is a pretty photo ;0)

rebecca said...

dear peggy,
i have been thinking of you so much and writing to you in my heart in between so many necessary tasks. finally it is friday and i hope i awake as fresh and willing as your Spring haiku!
until then please feel my love surrounding you.

Mark said...

Nothing like inhaling the scent of spring blossoms. Ahhhh!

Complaining Morning Glory

Marit said...

Aaahhh.. did your really smell Spring already? We had snow last week, but the crocusses are coming through so Spring is indeed not far away... enjoy the weekend!

Meri said...

here, it's crocus time
kamikaze flowers that
breathe purple on snow

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Spring definitely has its own delicious scent!

Sugar Me a Haiku!