Thursday, February 21, 2013

Haiku my heart

The hope of the world
Rests with the newborn children.
They will light the way!


Karen said...

What a sweet photo and a lovely sentiment in your haiku.

Spadoman said...

I would stake the future of the world on your thoughts.


Laura said...


Anonymous said...

Precious haiku and delightful photo ~ ^_^

WabiSabi said...

Yep! I will bet the ranch on the babies too! :)

Mark said...

We certainly hope that's true!

Building Sand Castles

Kim Mailhot said...

They certainly do arrive here with unbelievable powers these days ! Hope indeed !
Happy Weekend !

Priti Lisa said...

always the hope...
pretty artwork too♥

Annie Jeffries said...

And always praying for all potential life on the journey to birth.

Anonymous said...

I hope this is a smart generation!! Love this little bird...totem