Saturday, February 27, 2010

Post # 1300! I need to celebrate!

Image from
Lesley Riley
Woman's Work C D

Terri posted a picture of a necklace she made and it got me thinking. I have several kits from the French General that are unopened and I would love to celebrate my 1300 post with a giveaway thank you!!!!I started my blog June 15th, 2007! I was at a group gathering and hostess julie was showing us her blog and said she was trying to post every day!
Julie's blog
I was fascinated by the idea of having a place where I could post anything I wanted!
Art, family,thoughts, anything I wanted to share! So, what fun I've had!!!!
I have been able to retell special stories, show some vintage family photos, celebrate happy occasions , share my art, support other artists and post special causes for events that others may not be aware of, ask for help from fellow bloggers in art and life.
I have found that those who have visited me are extremely generous and supportive!

Here are 2 unopened kits, seaside theme, of a necklace and bracelet.
Leave a comment here at this post, a way to reach you and I will draw the winner's name on St. Patrick's Day-----My father's birthday!!!!

Wishing you the luck of the Irish!
Terri's blog

Happy Pink Saturday!

Painting my flowers with photoshop!!!!
It may not be nice to fool Mother Nature, but it is fun!!!

Friday, February 26, 2010

A bunch of good stuff!!!!!!

This small 2"x 4" glass house was accepted into a juried art show!
I am thrilled!
For story about the house please click link below!

Piece is called
Love Notes
You will understand the name if you read the story posted in link above. I hope you read it!

Gift from my eldest son!
He knows his mom!!!!

My circus came to town!!!!!
I bought this from Tristan!
Isn't it grand!!!!!! I can hear the crowd OOO and awwww as she does her tricks in her glittery tutu on her white stallion!!!

Some how this charming prince came along with the circus!
Thanks Tristan!

Blogger friend faye painted this beauty JUST FOR ME!
Thank you!!!

Asking for your help!!!!!!!!

For Ginger
Ginger on your left.
She needs your prayers and thoughts!
I posted about her a week or so ago. Her leukemia is very bad and is going from bad to worse. 2 weeks-4 months on the bright side.
I have known her for 20 years and the picture you see is of the group that hangs art together to raise money for school grants for their art programs. She is an awesome watercolorist.
Thank you for sending your energy her way.
I so appreciate your help.
No Need to comment, just add her to your thoughts.

One powerful hour/ faces!

I used a card I made for a previous swap and cropped and painted her hat.

So, I had this idea.

Art Therapy

Unfortunately I have some friends who are very ill. 1 is an art friend of 20 years who lives close by and 2 friends I follow on their blogs and exchanged art with. When someone needs extra care and attention I always tell them
"I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers". So I made a special small box to put a slip of paper with their name on it. Inside the box are some blessed medals from my mom, a special heart rock from my husband, my favorite pressed flowers and a medal of St. Anthony, patron Saint of Miracles. Now I have 3 names too many in my box, but it calls my attention to what is important in my life.
I have the box by my bed so I can glance at it in the morning and evening and give an extra thought to those special friends.
I am not trying to be dramatic or maudlin. Creating this was great therapy for me and some how makes circumstances of life easier.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

digItal 2 for tues.!!!!!

I just love the charm of the images offered in this challenge!

Tag Tuesday! Shamrocks!

This is a mug I have on a shelf in my studio.
Brownie, the Irish fairy,
Magic brushes from
Mom, Dad They both pained)
Georgeanne's ( my mentor)
and Mary's
All of whom are busy painting the heavens!
Next time you see a pretty sky, they may have created for you!

Crazy Amigo's! Insects

This from one of my favorite old books! Cover
C D B, by William Steig
All the illustrations are captioned by letters only and you read it phonetically !

Page inside

Blue Monday!

Mom's doll from dollhouse
From the book
Decorating Vintage Style

The "ah hah" moment for Nina's class!!!

Artfuljourney/feb 2010, Ca!
My head and camera are FULL of things to share here! I will be posting more pictures to show you the art from classes.
A wonderful group of artists!!!!