Friday, December 17, 2010

Lots to do!

Pen and ink/1970's
sketch of boys to show what they liked and pets they had!

Bear Nativity/1992(?)

I made this for myself. I collect bears and so I dressed some bear up!
please click to enlarge!

star sign on camel says
"bethlehem or bust"!

Roses for mary
Hannukah candles
toys for jesus



Thursday, December 16, 2010

sketch book project, almost done!!!

My theme is
View from above!
I have 6 more pages to go!!!
52 pages done!!!
I loved doing this project and focused my art on collage, a favorite of mine!
I think I will co sketching along with journaling to complete the book!
Then, when the exhibit comes to San Francisco, Ca....
I will be there to see all the art!!!

Almost done!!!

Wreath I made of "leftover" ornaments that didn't fit on the tree!
(Be sure and click to enlarge!)


paper trees made from christmas catalogs!
Needs some work, but could be a possibility for project!!!

Gingersnapcreations/polar animals

Just for fun.
googled polar animals and saw these bears!
painted hat, earmuffs and skates.
No paper involved this time.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Created by hand!

Photo of a painting of mine.
Then I went to photoshop to enhance certain areas.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Crazy amigos!!!

Our Christmas card!
Rescue dog, 3 years old

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Take a word! childhood

I adore ANYTHING created by Norman Rockwell! I used to look forward to each issue of "The Saturday Evening Post" to see what he had painted! I loved making up stories about his cover art.
I did nothing to this, just thought it fit nicely with childhood! I remember the christmas I noticed that Santa's signature on the letters I would leave for him(along with the cookies), looked suspiciously like my FATHER'S hand writing!!!!!!!!!!!
Wishing you all the innocence and joy of childhood!!!