Lesley Riley
Woman's Work C D

Terri posted a picture of a necklace she made and it got me thinking. I have several kits from the French General that are unopened and I would love to celebrate my 1300 post with a giveaway thank you!!!!I started my blog June 15th, 2007! I was at a group gathering and hostess julie was showing us her blog and said she was trying to post every day!
Julie's blog
I was fascinated by the idea of having a place where I could post anything I wanted!
Art, family,thoughts, anything I wanted to share! So, what fun I've had!!!!
I have been able to retell special stories, show some vintage family photos, celebrate happy occasions , share my art, support other artists and post special causes for events that others may not be aware of, ask for help from fellow bloggers in art and life.
I have found that those who have visited me are extremely generous and supportive!
Here are 2 unopened kits, seaside theme, of a necklace and bracelet.
Leave a comment here at this post, a way to reach you and I will draw the winner's name on St. Patrick's Day-----My father's birthday!!!!
Wishing you the luck of the Irish!
Terri's blog