We finally got a round table!!! I have always loved the ambiance of sitting at a round table. My husband got this for our 45 th wedding anniversary!

This was a good reason to finish some placemats I started 6 years ago.
Pictures were copied from 2 volumns of Gibson art that I have from Uncle Paul. Copyright 1902
I had done 4 and then gave up the project because it was very difficult for me to work fast enough to apply such a large piece of paper to the wood mats and make them smooth without wrinkles!
So, I have more "know how" and decided I needed to complete the series.
I still have 2 to do.
I choose the pictures for men and women to view!
Hope you enjoy my choices and love to have you come to dinner some time!

wood placemat
template for mat size
Finished mats have 5 coats of varethene (matte)

2 b finished

2 b finished
Thanks Harriet for the place mats!!!!