Sugar packet, hotel map, kleenex, ticket stubs! Who else but an "AAArtist" would save these things!!!! I added a copy of a french magazine I used to subscribe to, full of art ideas. If you don't speak french, you'll still get the idea!
how fun! - LOL, I'm somewhat relieved to know that I'm not the only person who saves subway passes, atm receipts, ticket stubs and almost every other piece of paper that passes by me!
how fun! - LOL, I'm somewhat relieved to know that I'm not the only person who saves subway passes, atm receipts, ticket stubs and almost every other piece of paper that passes by me!
OUI...I speak (not) French! What great ephemera! Who doesn't save this kinda stuff!????
hi, Peggy! i'm still visiting everyone who stopped by during owoh, and find a party going on here!
congratulations on your almost
400th post, and heck yes put me in your drawing--what a great bunch of stuff! (i love stuff . . .)
Hi Peggy...add me to the list of " I would love to win" people. Love your blog and your art. Ann
Wow great giveaway. This would be great for my altered book about Paris.
This collection looks very interesting.
Love the collection, i do the same thing!!
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